Students at Fiore experience a home like environment which fosters trust and deep self confidence. From the youngest ages, children are given the opportunity to engage across age groups and communities in line with their developmental abilities and needs

Clubs and Activities
Students have access to many exciting opportunities during and after school each day. The offerings range from Baking, Cooking, Art, Music, Theatre, Chess, Logic and Reasoning to Fiore Club Day when students get to hang out and relax with peers after school.

Outdoors and learning
The outdoors are an important part of Fiore’s ecosystem. With over 9 acres across our two campuses. Children from the youngest ages are given the opportunity to learn from nature and connect their classroom explorations to the real world

Trips & Outings
For students in our Elementary and Adolescent programs their classroom is the seed and the world is their classroom. Students are routinely encouraged to go beyond the initial lessons and dive deeper into topics. This leads them to venture outside the classroom.

Production & Exchange
Students in our Junior High program are charged with the responsibility of running a small business enterprise to learn how to manage real life responsibilities and understand money

Athletics & Sports
Athletics, games and formal sports are opportunities for students to enjoy the rush of the physical exertion coupled with the competitive energy to win.

Research Work
Fiore has a real focus on genuine research work. This is a means to understanding subject matter, organizing oneself and building an authentic voice in expressing your opinions. From 1st grade the ground work to do research work is laid. These students are more than competent when it comes time to write a college essay or choose a research project to prepare them for the rigorous of high school or college life